Friday, September 2, 2011

It all started with....

From the time most of us could remember we were told to "be careful".  "You don't want to get her pregnant".  "You better practice safe sex".  "A baby will change your life".

Nobody told us how hard it can really be when we want to have a child.  You find the woman you love and are ready to start a family.  No more "safe sex".  The reigns are gone.  You go all in (pardon the pun).  Months go by and the pee stick becomes your enemy.  The thermometer and timing are evil.  Sex becomes a chore and you start questioning everything about your manhood all the while trying to support your wife.

The next step is the doctors office.  Crammed in a room with couples and single women all with a tension on their faces that is hard to see.  Is it me?  Is it her?  How are we going to get through this?  The doctor tells you it is not easy as you think.  Tests are ordered.  You get to jerk off in a tiny room with old porn magazines and even older porn cassette tapes.  How did it get this far?

Your life becomes all about making the baby.  You get mad at the couple on the street glowing with a new child or the woman with a baby bump.  You don't want to face another test or another visit to the sad and depressing room filled with desperate people just like you.

You try, you fail.  It is tough and no one tells you how hard this can be.  The bills get bigger and the stress mounts for both of you.  What else can go wrong?  The whole process really sucks.

For me it went on like this for two long years and more than a few disappointments.  The day my wife started puking was one of the happiest of my life.  Could it be we were really pregnant?  Would this end well?

I can't say how it will end but as of right now we have made it through the first trimester and are pregnant with Twins!

After all the heartache now the real stuff starts....

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