As I look to the future with twins, tonight, I am thinking about the past. This weekend is the 10th anniversary of September 11th and I live in New York City. I woke up today to a city on edge. Road blocks and police everywhere because of a new terrorist threat. As I left my office downtown, I looked up and saw the rising towers of the new world trade center and had a moment of both pride and fear. The fear was not for me but for my unborn children. What kind of world will they grow up in? How can I protect them from an unknown enemy? When I got off the subway and checked my email I was greeted with an email with a subject of "concern". It was from my mother.
It made me think that a parent never stops worrying about their children. Being far away, she was feeling helpless as she watched the news about a new threat in the city where her son lived. I called when I got home and tried to reassure her that my wife and I were ok and that the city was safe despite the media attention. Her response, "It is my job to worry."
What is my job as a father to be? How am I supposed to protect my family in an uncertain world? Tonight, I will go to sleep and say a prayer for those who died ten years ago and for the friends and family who still mourn. I will pray for those who's lives changed forever that day and I will pray that I will be able to protect my family.
Most of all, I will celebrate life this weekend. My life, my wife's life and the the future life of my children.
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